Take a swim in our Fish Bowl!

I am a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children and I have an amazing husband and my family is the most important thing to me in this world. Hope you enjoy my blog! I'll try hard not to be too boring.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jordan Jaylee!

This is Jordan. This is Jordan sucking on the washing machine during the spin cycle. It seems that no matter where she is in the house when she hears that machine start shaking she runs to it and sits there with her mouth on it. Not quite sure why but who am I to discourage her from such a harmful activity.

She also has the love of the computer. You will often find her clicking away, ruining many programs of ours cause we are not smart enough to turn it off. Actually we do, she just turns it on herself. Yeah, that's it. She is so advanced!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Ode To Momma...

It's only appropriate that we continue with our "Ode" series and do Papa's other half. This is our Momma.

There is so much to say about Momma and just how fantastic she is and how lucky we are to have her in our lives. She is our mother, grandmother and friend. She is always there to listen, love and look after you! Just the other day for example, Momma and Papa came over for a visit before they had to go out for dinner and I was feeling quite tired. I had planned on a great dinner of chicken and veggies but time went on and I thought, nope, Krap Dinner...I am to tired...Next thing I know there is Momma in the kitchen, very happily, making us our Chicken and Veggies. I know to you all it might not sound like much but it is a tiny example of the heart this woman has. She thanks me for allowing her to come over, and get this, look after us. Like hello, I am the one that should be doing the thanking cause really she makes my life so much nicer. Not just easier, but nicer. We love to settle the kids down and meet at the table for our afternoon coffee where we never run out of things to talk about. We are blessed and so grateful for everything that she empowers. You can see in the picture Cassie doing her studies and Momma right in there with her. They love to learn together and I love to watch the love my children have for this wonderful person. We love you Momma, So much!

Bugs Anyone?

Today I took Cassie and Cameron to the Bug Lab and it was pretty cool! I had never heard of it before and when I did I wasn't quite sure what to expect but it is definetely a place the young and old should check out. It is a trip that you could do over and over and even though the kids got a little tired and Cassie wasn't feeling all to good (turns out she has tonsilitis again) we had a good time. We even bought a fish tank so the kids can have two fish and we will attempt to keep alive. We will probably be doing a post soon about the funeral arrangements for our dear fish but we will think positive before then. Like the spider?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Strangers Beware

Cassie is working on her community and safety. So today she watched a strangers video. Before it came on she says, "Mommy, Daddy told me already what to do if a stranger tries to get me."

I said "Oh yeah and what do you do Cassie?" Her reply, very innocently, "I scream real loud that I don't know them then I kick them in the nuts."

That's our girl!

**No child was hurt during the making of these pictures**

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Ode to Papa...

The girls have learned a new word and it's Papa..Everything is Papa right now....At one point we heard "Where is Papa?". Well, this is Papa. Momma was away for 3 weeks so during that time Papa came over and watched the kids, played with the kids, fixed Camerons bike and sat through endless showings of Treehouse television while cuddling with the kids on the couch. We all love Papa. We love him for his quiet ways and for his unbelievable patience and for always putting his family first. He is our mentor, our father, our grandfather, our friend so it's only appropriate that we share with everyone who the twins are talking about when they accidentally call you Papa.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

We went today with Sherry and her kids to the Pumpkin Patch and had the best time ever! They had hay rides and a band, corn maze, singers on the hay rides, horses, a hay pile to fight in and so much more. Here are some pictures of the day. I had to post the picture of Allison playing in the hay because it looks awesome and don't we all just want to play in the hay sometimes?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

There's Hope!

Yesterday Jay and I took the kids and had a day of family time. Of course with that comes the trip to Costco because it wouldn't be family time without that. Anyway after we did that and took Cassie to sell her Sparks cookies (she sold all of them in 10 mintues) we took the kids to White Spot. Yes, all 4 and yes, VERY, VERY BRAVE! I have to say..My kids, were, **drumroll please* - Amazing! Not just, oh hey they were pretty good..they were amazing..Jay and I actually felt quite relaxed after that lunch. I mean who feels relaxed after having lunch out with 4 kids? Well, we did. I honestly did not know it was possible. Hello, children? You know in restaurants you're supposed to throw tantrums, food and anything else you can get your hands on. Not sit there quietly, coloring and playing with eachother..Who does that anymore? So there you have it parents, there's hope! And the twins got to meet a little Cameron who was born on the exact day and year they were.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Girl, Cassie!

- Jay, Birnie and the kids exploring a "forest" we found the other night when we got KFC and went to the Park for a picnic dinner....

For those of you who don't know we have started homeschooling Cassie, so far the best decision we have ever made. Today we were writing in her journal and she asked if she could put it on the computer like mommy does. I, of course thought BLOGGER BABY! Please post comments to her as they arrive in her email and we all know how much kids love email or mail in general. You can go here www.cassie6.blogspot.com or look over to your left and click on My Girl, Cassie. And never, ever base my typing here and grammer on what I am teaching my child. We are supported by a certified teacher and she attends classes 2 days a week..and well I am learning too which is great! Anyway here's some recent photos of my awesome children.