Take a swim in our Fish Bowl!

I am a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children and I have an amazing husband and my family is the most important thing to me in this world. Hope you enjoy my blog! I'll try hard not to be too boring.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Okay part of my lack of posting is because I could not get my camera to upload pictures and there was no point in me saying anything if I couldn't post a pic is there? Anyway YAY it works again! Have no idea what was wrong with it and honestly don't care as long as it is fixed. So it's been a busy few weeks in the Fisher household...Cassie and Cameron have both started gymnastics and they are loving it! Cassie is in her total glory and Cameron listens so intently. I did not think that was possible! Good boy! Cassie has also got her first wiggly tooth and Glasses!! Kids get excited over the funniest thing...When her tooth was loose she had to phone everyone she knew to tell them about it and her glasses are her pride and joy. It's sad really..a whole year she has suffered from headaches and we didn't think her eyes cause she had them checked a year ago and they were good...The fact that I had to peel her nose off the computer screen should have been a clue that she cannot see! Anyway she is all grown up with her teeth and her glasses...

Not much new with the twins..They are talking a lot more and loving eachother...They are saying Thank you, and Up..And calling eachother...quite cute. They also love their new sport of running away from Mommy and hey to make it fun let's head in different directions. I have never been a fan of those harnesses until now. Do not judge me, unless you have twins.

The homeschooling is going awesome, really awesome. Cassie has come out of her "shell". Not so shy and doing so well in everything. Cameron is begging for me to homeschool him instead of preschool but really once he gets there he loves it so there we shall leave him. Tonight before he fell asleep he says.."Mommy, are you thinking what I'm thinkig?" I said, "What are you thinking Cameron?" He says, "I don't know what I'm thinking, goodnight Mommy." I love the things kids say!


Blogger Vicki said...

Cassie looks so scholastic in those glasses! Good looking and smart looking:) Now all I have to do is see them in person. And as far as the harness things...no judgement here - and I am completely twinless. Cameron, what can I say except I can totally picture him saying that to you with his head tilted to the side...so cute!(Well, that's how I picture it in my head:)

8:14 PM  
Blogger Poetsch Family said...

She looks so cute with glasses. Both our girls are in gymnastics as well and they absolutely love it.

2:48 PM  

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