Bugs Anyone?
Today I took Cassie and Cameron to the Bug Lab and it was pretty cool! I had never heard of it before and when I did I wasn't quite sure what to expect but it is definetely a place the young and old should check out. It is a trip that you could do over and over and even though the kids got a little tired and Cassie wasn't feeling all to good (turns out she has tonsilitis again) we had a good time. We even bought a fish tank so the kids can have two fish and we will attempt to keep alive. We will probably be doing a post soon about the funeral arrangements for our dear fish but we will think positive before then. Like the spider?
Looks fun, since they are behind glass. Otherwise I don;t think it would be so much fun. Have a great weekend.
Ooh, I'd like to join you the next time you go. Donovan can't come though...he really can't handle spiders.
Hey, thanks for the chat last night:)
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