My Son!

My Mother in Law just phoned me and we were laughing so hard at this I thought I would post about it cause it pretty much describes my son. Cassie and him have spent the weekend with their Momma and Papa and today they all went to the beach. They were having an amazing time, looking at the fish, going for a walk and waiting to see the train. "Uncle Dan's train to be exact." They were walking along the pier where there were a crowd of people looking at something so being the curious little kids they are they walked over to see a crab that someone had caught. All of a sudden Cameron took off running and screaming away from the crab. I can just imagine the look on everyones face as my 4 year old son took off like a bat outta hell running and screaming down the pier with Momma, Papa and Cassie trying to catch him and calm him down only to have him repeat this over again on their way back down the pier when a big fish had been caught. Then Cassie telling him "Cameron, you sound like a girl!." And Papa wants to take him fishing? He is, my fourth daughter! Gotta love him.
That Cameron. WHat a cutie! But you already know that...
Oh, I think that Kayla IS my boy, so...maybe they are meant for each other:)
Hi Leanna- thanks for the news of the best grandbabies in the world - I love you all so much and my 12 sleeps away are torture !! See you Monday . Love- Momma
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