Take a swim in our Fish Bowl!

I am a stay at home mom to 4 beautiful children and I have an amazing husband and my family is the most important thing to me in this world. Hope you enjoy my blog! I'll try hard not to be too boring.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Bitter Sweet

Bitter...One of my VERY best friends, ever is moving away. It sucks, it sucks alot...I am seriously going to miss her with every inch of my body and soul (which is a lot!). Nicole and I have been friends since we were 17 and her friendship is one of the most important relationships in my life..She is understanding, funny, sweet, compassionate but most of all she gets me..She is not judgemental, always gives me her honest opinion and knows every detail about me and still chooses to be my friend....Her family is beautiful...Even her husband who in the past, we may have not seen eye to eye and is now also one of my best friends and my husbands too...Them moving, sucks...

Sweet... They are going to a place they are going to love..It will be a more relaxed, easy going lifestyle and they are building the life they want...They are going to do very well in anything they chose to do...Best of all..I got a nice place to go on vacation...Get the Guest room ready Wingers, the Fishers are coming!

Love you all

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Can your tongue get freezer burnt? Cause I think mine did after eating one , okay 4 fudge bars tonight..It hurts...Don't worry it was low fat and well within my Weight Watchers points! I have no self control and a bit of a tummy ache.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Our Boy is 5!

Unbelievable! I cannot believe that my son, my little boy is 5 today. Five years ago today he decided to enter this world, 4 weeks premature at 7 pounds and 10 ounces (thank you Cameron for coming early, god only knows how big you actually would have been). Our life, seriously, is better because you are in it. You provide us with constant entertainment and challenge us daily in everything. You are bright, sensitive, funny and most of all the best son we could ask for. Have a great birthday Buddy! xoxoxoxoxox

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Corn Holes...

Why is it that children find it necessary to stuff things up their nose? This is the case of Jordan Jaylee last night. When coming out of the bath I noticed something in her nose and quickly got the first kernel out just to find another on in the other nostril...So after torturing her for awhile (not really) but she probably thought so, it was off to the hospital we go. Arriving nicely at 9:pm where we were taken in to the ENT room in 30 mintues..YES! Quick trip to the hospital. NOT! 6 hours later we returned home where 2 more kernels of corn were removed and the last one being, of course, the largest ass kernel I have ever seen. The postive side to this is that Jordan and I had awesome one on one time. We walked around the hospital, rode on the wheelchair right side up and upside down, counted cheerios, money and anything else that we could play with. Do you think she will learn her lesson or do this again? I'm thinking this isn't the last time.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Okay part of my lack of posting is because I could not get my camera to upload pictures and there was no point in me saying anything if I couldn't post a pic is there? Anyway YAY it works again! Have no idea what was wrong with it and honestly don't care as long as it is fixed. So it's been a busy few weeks in the Fisher household...Cassie and Cameron have both started gymnastics and they are loving it! Cassie is in her total glory and Cameron listens so intently. I did not think that was possible! Good boy! Cassie has also got her first wiggly tooth and Glasses!! Kids get excited over the funniest thing...When her tooth was loose she had to phone everyone she knew to tell them about it and her glasses are her pride and joy. It's sad really..a whole year she has suffered from headaches and we didn't think her eyes cause she had them checked a year ago and they were good...The fact that I had to peel her nose off the computer screen should have been a clue that she cannot see! Anyway she is all grown up with her teeth and her glasses...

Not much new with the twins..They are talking a lot more and loving eachother...They are saying Thank you, and Up..And calling eachother...quite cute. They also love their new sport of running away from Mommy and hey to make it fun let's head in different directions. I have never been a fan of those harnesses until now. Do not judge me, unless you have twins.

The homeschooling is going awesome, really awesome. Cassie has come out of her "shell". Not so shy and doing so well in everything. Cameron is begging for me to homeschool him instead of preschool but really once he gets there he loves it so there we shall leave him. Tonight before he fell asleep he says.."Mommy, are you thinking what I'm thinkig?" I said, "What are you thinking Cameron?" He says, "I don't know what I'm thinking, goodnight Mommy." I love the things kids say!